Have you heard the name, Wave Secure? If not then, Wave secure is a complete mobile security suite which enables user to protect their data, ensures privacy when theft takes place and also locates your lost phone on map helping you to locate your lost phone most effectively.
First things first, if you have installed Wave Secure and can thief uninstall the protection for Android?
No, thief cannot uninstall this product from your Android phone as Wave Secure comes with unique Uninstall protection Add on (UPA) add on which once loaded cannot be uninstalled. Once this application is loaded in your Android phone, it constantly remains paired up with Wave Secure UPA. If someone tries to uninstall wave secure UPA, then the main Wave Secure application locks automatically and if someone tries to uninstall the main Wave secure application then UPA steps in to secure the device, thus providing a perfect lock resulting in a perfect phone security module. Wave Secure prompts you to load UPA from the Android Market once registration is complete. Users who do not have access to Android Market can get the latest Uninstall Protection Add-on here.
BACK UP tension free
Choosing for backup has always been a tiring and a boring job as well, but with Wave Secure you can sit back, relax and can create a backup from your Android phone either straight from your Android phone or also remotely via web. You can create a backup of all your smses, contacts, call logs on Wave secure website which makes easier to access all your contacts in an emergency anytime anywhere. How can you forget the photos and videos from BACKUP, yes it does even have backup facilities for all your stored photos and videos.
After backing up, it’s time to RESTORE…
Again like creating a backup sometimes a tiring job, restoring too sometimes get tiring but like said before, Wave secure allows you to restore all your sms and contacts to your phone effortlessly. If you find manual restoring full of hassles, then with the help of trigger a restore option, one can receive personal data backup wirelessly from Wave secure servers to your mobile phone.
Lock and secure your Android phone
What happens when your Android phone is stolen? Don’t fret if you have Wave Secure installed on your Android mobile phone. This mobile security service will automatically lock your Android phone once it detects a SIM change. What it does is, this prevents unauthorized use and makes the phone worthless to the thief.
What else is, you can also choose to display a message on the device to prompt the finder to return the device. If you want, you can sound an alarm remotely to warn the thief and increase the chances of recovering your phone, too if your phone is nearby.
Let’s check out Track and locate your mobile device option…
Once your intelligent mobile phone with Wave Secure detects the insertion of a new SIM card, your buddy will get a SMS alert so you can contact the person who has found or stolen your device. In addition, Wave Secure also lets you track the current location of your phone and even plot them out on a map online on the Wave secure’s website with which you will know the exact location of your mobile phone which is stolen/lost. You can login to your wave secure account and after logging in, you can find an option called track and locate with which one can track and locate the stolen/lost mobile phone.
Last but not the least wipe your data if you’re unable to FIND your phone
Tired of every single option in finding your lost mobile phone, what you can do the most is you can wipe off all your secured data remotely from web. You can trigger a REMOTE WIPE option from Wave Secure website which will wipe off all your important data like, sms, call log, photos, music and also all your videos even from your removable media such as memory cards and also on Mobile phone.
This Wave Secure security application can be installed on all your Android phones which come with the Android version 1.5/higher. You can trial this application for free or alternatively you can also purchase this application with 1 year subscription of around 19.9 $ from here from PC or alternatively, you can also buy this application from Android Market.
This Wave secure Security Mobile application has won my heart, what about your’s ?
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