Sometimes you might get annoyed with the unwanted scam calls and messages from your service providers and other sources. In the process of finding a way to get rid of it you might end up in downloadng 3rd party apps. This mainly happens because many users are unaware of the fact that MIUI does have the inbuilt feature called MIUI Blocklist to prevent these types of scam calls and messages. Let's check how it works:
- Open Security App-->Blocklist-->Tap the Gear/Settings Icon on Top Right-->Turn ON Blocklist
- Add Keywords and Numbers that you want to Block.
Blocklist Rules:
There are different set of Rules/Modes that you can apply to Bloclklist Numbers and Contacts.
1. Blocklist Numbers
In this Mode, MIUI will Block only the Calls and Messages from Numbers that you have manually added to the Blocklist. You will still Receive Calls and Messages from your Contacts, Unknown and Private Numbers.
2. Only Allow Contacts
In this Mode, MIUI allows Calls and Messages from your Contacts and Numbers that you have added to Exceptions list. It will Block Calls and Messages from Blocklist Numbers, Unknown and Private Numbers.
3. Only Allow Exceptions
In this Mode, MIUI allows Calls and Messages from Numbers in your Exception List only. It will block Calls and Messages from your Contacts, Blocklist, Unknown and Private Numbers.
4. Block Everything
In this Mode, MIUI will Block Everything. You won't get Calls and Messages from Anyone.
5. Add Rules
You can Assign your own set of Blocklist Rules to Blocklist, Exceptions, Contacts, Strangers and Private Numbers.
Keyword Filter - Add Keywords to Block Messages
Most of the scam messages from service providers and telemarketers will be in the alpha-numeric Format. (Eg. Ba-611111,BH-ABCGF,[WAP Push] etc ). Add specific senders name/keywords in it, if you want to block those types of SMS. Messages from unknown numbers that contain those words in this list will be blocked. If you want to add multiple senders/keywords in one shot, Use a comma to separate them.
Security App-->Blocklist-->Click on Gear icon-->Keyword Filter-->Click on Add--> Add the Keywords.
Blocked Numbers- Block Calls and Messages from Specific Numbers
Calls and Messages From Numbers that are added here will be Blocked. You can Block Calls and Messages separately for a particular Number.
Security App-->Blocklist-->Click on Gear icon-->Blocked Numbers-->Add-->You will have 3 options here.
a) Add Phone Number - Manually add the complete phone number which you want to Block.
b) Add Prefix - Add first 4 digits of Numbers so that all Numbers starting with those will be Blocked in one go. In India, service Providers and Telemarketers use numbers starting with 91140******* for Advertising puposes. If you want to Block them, Just Add their starting 4 Digits (9114) here. This becomes handy if you want to Block Numbers of Certain Regions and Countries.
c) Add Contacts - Add Numbers from your Contacts list which you want to Block.
Exceptions - Allow Calls and Messages from Specific Numbers
Calls and Messages from Numbers added to this list will be Allowed depending on Blocklist Rules. This will be very helpful if you want to allow Calls and Messages from specific Numbers only while you are on Important works.
Security App-->Blocklist-->Click on Gear icon-->Exceptions-->Add
Block Reported Numbers
Users might Flag/report some calls from Service Providers and Telemarketers as Fraud or Scams. You can Block Calls and Messages from those Reported/Flagged Numbers that have been reported / Flagged a specified number of Times. Following types of Reported calls can be Blocked.
a) Reported Scams
b) Reported Agencies
c) Reported Telemarketers
d) Reported Nuisances
MIUI does have the option to Block calls forwarded from Unknown numbers and also gives you a choice whether not to Block a Second call from the same Reported Number within 3 minutes.
Blocklist Notifications
You can Turn ON or OFF Blocklist Notifications for Blocklist and Non-Blocklist Numbers.
If you add Numbers to Blocklist, It will effect only for the Future Calls and Messages from that Numbers not for the earlier already received Calls and Messages from that Number.
That's for now!! I am sure many of you might be using this feature. Does this Feature Useful to you??![[Explore MIUI] MIUI Blocklist: Protect Your Privacy!](
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